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One documentation tool. All your code knowledge.

One documentation tool. All your code knowledge.

Accessible directly from the IDE. Integrated with the code. Automatically updated as part of your CI.

Group 2600
Group 2601
Group 2602

in the IDE

Create and find internal documentation alongside code in the IDE.


Integrate code
into your docs

Effortlessly create new docs that interact and are coupled directly with code, without switching to a separate tool.


Trust your docs

Swimm's patented AI automatically validates and updates docs as part of your developers' CI workflow — fixing simple errors automatically and alerting them about significant changes.


Integrated into your techstack

Eliminate context switching with our GitHub app, IDE plugin, and other integrations. From Python to C++ - Swimm is language agnostic.

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"Higher quality documentation has been a productivity boost for our team

jack yiu-1

Jack Yiu
Lead Software Engineer at StackAdapt

Schedule a demo

Ship code

As an AI-powered knowledge base & code documentation tool, document and share information about your code & knowledge base – even those that few people know.

Build a culture
of documentation 

Create and maintain quality docs without ever leaving your development environment.

End context

Discover, create, and keep docs up to date – without ever leaving the IDE.

"Being able to link code to our docs in an intelligent way has been a complete game changer for writing documentation"

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Brett Goers
Software Engineer at Fulfilld

Stop using the wrong tools
to document code